Tuesday, November 19, 2019


comfy driverless slipstream - 250 mph

flying car - 220 mph

7,672 mph/125,000 ft.

8,800 mph/350,000 ft.

375 mph

700 - 800 mph/45,000 ft.

5,000 mph

6,600 mph/650,000 ft.

72,500 mph/3,500 miles

intergalactic zip ship - 100 quintillion decillion light millennia per second

maglev - 760 mph

concorde - 1,650 mph, 70,000 ft.

interstate big bus - 80 - 100 mph

hypersonic plane - 3,800 mph, 95,000 ft.

interstellar starship - 1,000 light years per hour

space plane - 28,500 mph, 650 miles

interstate bus van - 70 - 80 mph

antipode plane - 16,000 mph

intergalactic starship - 1 million light years per hour

interstellar starship - 20 light years per hour

interplanetary starship - lightspeed, 186,282 miles per second or 670,616,629 mph

intergalactic cruise starship - 100 million light years per hour

mega intergalactic luxury cruise starship - 500 quintillion light years per hour

outer orbit ride - 1.5 million mph

maglev - 950 mph

indestructible submarine/yacht - can go up to 1,000 mph both under and above water

futuristic high speed rail - 990 mph

futuristic cruise ship - 180 mph

super maglev - 20,000 mph

future high speed rail - 1,100 mph

intergalactic starship cruise - 250 million light years per hour

self flying car - 300 mph

universal starship - 100 million - 1,000 millinillion light years per hour

futuristic maglev - 650 mph

a passenger rocket - 18,500 mph, 300 miles altitude

rocket to the moon - 62,650 mph

space jet - 26,000 mph, 500 miles

overture jet - 2,250 mph, 95,000 ft. 

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