Sunday, October 18, 2020

Fight Wars (Some Units)

1. elite us navy seals
2. elite us recon marines
3. elite military soldiers
4. elite delta force soldiers
5. elite master mercenaries
6. elite british special forces soldiers
7. elite kgb soldiers
8. elite cia agents
9. elite fbi agents
10. elite swat teams
11. elite operatives
12. elite secret service agents
13. elite mafia thugs
14. elite government assassins
15. elite master hitmen
16. elite israeli soldiers
17. elite heavily armed terrorists
18. elite us army soldiers
19. elite black ops soldiers
20. elite splinter cell soldiers
21. master heavily cybernetically enhanced super soldiers
22. elite master special forces soldiers/agents
23. elite soviet soldiers
24. elite military police units
25. elite law enforcement agents
26. master military agents
27. elite north korean soldiers
28. elite chinese military soldiers
29. elite extremists soldiers
30. master shadow agents (twin blades, mastered almost all martial arts, master warriors/soldiers)
31. huge security guards
32. huge pro football players
33. huge 7 ft. tall bouncers
34. huge sailors
35. huge pirates
36. huge bikers
37. huge black prison inmates
38. huge white supremacists
39. huge prison inmates
40. huge construction workers
41. huge 7ft. tall pro wrestlers
42. huge samoan warriors
43. huge strongmen
44. huge elite street fighters
45. huge underground fighters
46. huge barbarians
47. huge gang thugs
48. huge police officers
49. huge muscular henchmen
50. huge spartan warriors
51. huge 7 ft. tall muscular brutes
52. huge cage fighters
53. huge pro boxers
54. huge brute fighters
55. huge sinister fighters
56. huge muscular 10 ft. tall master fighters
57. giant human brutes
58. us marines
59. us army soldiers
60. elite ghost recon soldiers
61. shaolin monks
62. elite swiss guards
63. bengal tigers
64. lions
65. grizzly bears
66. silverback gorillas
67. jaguars
68. pumas
69. raptors
70. triceratops
71. t rex
72. huge 10 ft. tall plus gigantopithecus apes
73. pitbulls
74. elite military attack dogs
75. kung fu masters
76. omni karate masters
77. krav maga masters/instructors
78. silat, armis, kali masters/instructors
79. taekwondo, tang soo do masters/instructors
80. giant anacondas
81. giant cobras
82. giant spider tarantulas (hummer sized)
83. taboo fighters
84. pro ufc fighters
85. mongol warriors
86. roman soldiers
87. huge master gladiators
88. arkham asylum thugs
89. arkham experts
90. combat experts
91. perfected omni martial artists (perfected all forms/styles of martial arts/combat/fighting)
92. omni grandmaster martial artists (grandmaster level in all martial arts forms)
93. superhuman spidermen
94. comic book martial artists
95. elite master power rangers
96. t-850s
97. t-1000s
98. superhuman zombies
99. superhuman vampires
100. superhuman mummies
101. m1 abrams tanks
102. apaches
103. commanches
104. hulk dogs
105. hulk men
106. hulk tigers
107. hulk t-rex
108. hulk spiders
109. ninja master warriors
110. samurai masters
111. huge master knife combatants
112. huge master martial artists/hand to hand combatants/fighters
113. android super soldiers
114. android super fighters
115. battleships
116. f-22s
117. colossus guys
118. su-37s
119. super battleships
120. super tanks
121. t-5000s
122. deadpool men
123. agent smiths or with guns
124. military battlebots (miniguns and missile launchers)
125. 50 ft. tall massive behemoth kings
126. lightning zeus warriors
127. spiderman monk warriors
128. ultron henchmen
129. wolverine men
130. supermen
131. superhuman skeletal warriors with swords
132. super shaolin monks
133. juggernaut men
134. human torch men
135. giant yetis
136. giant fire breathing dragons
137. giant ogre warriors
138. giant fire breathing cerberus
139. clayface men
140. scorpion kings
141. tim man
142. kane kasugis
143. hammermen
144. nathan jones
145. pretty boy price/matt mullins
146. michael jai whites
147. twister
148. ipman true masters
149. marko zarors
150. billy chows
151. blue guardians with swords (samurai jack)
152. large massive fat brawlers
153. large hillbilly fighters and crazy brawlers (like those in the jerry springer show)
154.. jerry springer security guards
155. huge random angry people (like those who fight in the restaurant or subway over a dispute, public violence)
156. expendables 1 soldiers
157. hungry wolves
158. the big one (transporter 3)
159. seamus o'grady (charlies angels full throttle)
160. gogo yubari (kill bill)
161. brad allen
162. iranian hulk fighters
163. martyn ford fighters
164. lateef crowder
165. amy Johnson
166. gazelle (kingsman film)
167. ron smoorenburg
168. kwan yung
169. hammergirl and baseball bat man
170. besi (headshot film)
171. stu bennett
172. lord ozunu
173. sunny pang
174. kimbo slice
175. seraph from the matrix
176. santo (falcon rising)
177. bororo (falcon rising)
178. hirimoto (falcon rising)
179. united shaolin trio (into the badlands)
180. cyril raffaelli as twin
181. the stranger (unleashed)
182. armed robot soldiers with machine guns and superhuman attributes
183. jedi master knights/warriors
184. elite military guards
185. master one man army fighters
186. giant ogres with axes
187. multi world champion fighters/martial artists
188. multi black belt martial artists
189. huge viking warriors
190. huge master gladiators
191. elite knights with horses
192. master ninja assassins
193. elite government military operatives
194. huge amazonian tribal warriors
195. rhinos
196. polar bears
197. siberian tigers
198. saltwater crocodiles
199. hulk gorillas
200. hulk grizzly bears
201. brock lesnars
202. cain velasquez
203. mark henry
204. batista
205. braun strowman
206. ronda rousey
207. huge multi world champion mma fighters
208. huge armed thugs (some with chainsaws and machetes, etc.., each at least 6'7)
209. huge retribution thugs
210. huge master warriors
211. highly trained, experienced, motivated gunmen with a huge military background
212. steel raptors
213. robot attack dogs from kingsman
214. pinoy military soldiers
215. armed ms13 gang thugs
216. triads thugs (some armed)
217. elite black storks special forces
218. elite spanish naval special warfare forces
219. elite russian alpha group forces
220. elite GIGN forces
221. elite sayeret matkal forces
222. elite SAS forces
223. elite special boat service units
224. elite spetsnaz forces
225. master enigma 88 special forces (by far the most deadly special forces in existence ever)
226. huge massive 7'10 security guards
227. massive 10 ft. tall muscular guards/fighters/brawlers
228. huge extreme bodybuilder/martial artists
229. elite illuminati warriors (with swords and the most advanced guns)
230. huge shadow gang thugs (some with blades)
231. combat masters (master soldiers/combatants)
232. elite fraternity members
233. huge judo masters/champions
234. elite templar knights
235. vastly superhuman demonic warriors
236. elite demonic swordsmen
237. huge elite maori warriors
238. huge elite jaguar warriors
239. huge elite bladed warriors
240. thanators
241. na'vi warriors
242. huge 6'10 school bullies
243. huge tribal warriors
244. huge 7 ft. tall pro sumo wrestlers
245. huge multi world champion street fighters
246. heavily armed elite militants
247. alien soldiers (armed with powerful energy assault rifles with superhuman attributes)
248. superintelligent warrior/soldier battle androids (with vast superhuman attributes and strategic battle prowess)
249. matrix chateau fighters
250. huge street fighters (at least 6'10 to 7'8)
251. muscular strongest dogs
252. huge muscular monster giant strongest dogs
253. top best video game martial artists
254. top best anime martial artists
255. multi galactic champion martial artists (vastly masterful elite fighters)
256. multi worlds strongest man title winners
257. huge fire breathing chimeras
258. superhuman martial artists
259. huge rioters (some with knives, machetes, pistols, chainsaws, crowbars, etc..)
260. huge mega street fighters (8'0 to 8'11, and very buff and muscular)
261. master shaolin monks
262. MS3 soldiers
263. greyhound bus sized super tarantulas
264. war elephants
265. hyenas
266. giant inland taipans
267. giant saw scaled vipers
268. giant deathstalker scorpions
269. cape buffalos
270. flying great white sharks
271. flying megalodons
272. flying krakens
273. superhuman werewolves
274. massive basilisks
275. massive dragons
276. massive hydras
277. giant cyclops monsters
278. huge minotaurs
279. huge centaurs
280. massive cerberus
281. massive sphinx monsters
282. superhuman zombies with guns
283. superhuman harpies
284. massive typhon monsters
285. echidnas
286. scyllas
287. 100 ft. tall giant monsters
288. vastly superhuman angelic warriors
289. huge superhuman bald eagles
290. heavily armed military humvees
291. UEBS giant ogres
292. UEBS giant cyclops
293. lord of the rings giants
294. 50 ft. tall rock giants
295. 20 ft. tall flaming master swordsmen
296. master swordsmen
297. highly skilled katana wielding triad thugs 
298. elite paramilitary forces
299. elite commandos
300. master special forces operatives/warriors/soldiers
301. entire us military and all us special forces including entire cia, fbi, swat, law enforcement, elite forces, and police departments, plus the highly classified super soldiers, basically you against the united states
302. entire world's military forces and special forces/elite forces (you as a unit fight against countless armies of tanks, apaches, soldiers, snipers, battleships, missile cruisers, fighter jets, military humvees, attack dogs, elite paramilitary groups, etc..even hi tech, state of the art battle robots and combat machines)
303. entire galactic military force (you against quadrillions of galactic warships, planet/star destroying ships, interstellar armadas, galactic master special forces, etc..)
304. entire cosmic military/force (you against limitless cosmic fighters, intergalactic knights, galaxy destroying warships, etc..)
305. entire army of heaven (you against countless angelic warriors, seraphims, celestial forces, etc..)
306. entire army of hell (up against countless demonic soldiers, powerful demons, etc..)
307. entire atlantean army/military (a thousand times more advanced than humans)
308. large chefs with blades
309. the table soldiers (john wick)
310. nigerian elite guards
311. john wick hitman killers
312. huge armed rioters (each at least 6'5, and buff muscular, with machetes, tear gas, flamethrowers, pistols, machine guns, etc..)
313. arkham city/knight/origins units
314. master shinobi warriors (can instantly take out armies of infantry soldiers, without effort)
315. elite charlies angels (each are one man armies), some with twin blades
316. huge 6'5 tall multi krav maga world champions/instructors
317. huge muscular 6'8 pro mma/pro wrestler/pro boxers
318. elite men in black agents (armed with the most advanced hi tech weapons)
319. ninja gaiden units
320. master elite special forces soldiers in super powered suits
321. edgar the bugs
322. master wizards (harry potter)
323. massive muscular armed 6'11 gang members
324. master ninja special forces warriors
325. master ninja commandos
326. master assassins/soldiers
327. elite master samurai commandos
328. elite master samurai assassins
329. elite shaolin masters
330. elite military base guards
331. master militants (equipped with the most advanced hi tech weapons and armor)
332. armored personnel units from the matrix
333. advanced jedi starfighters
334. super advanced rapid fire armored personnel units (multi rapid missile fire launchers, miniguns, energy cannons, etc..)
335. master elite special forces jedi warriors
336. huge massive brawlers (each at least 7 feet tall)
337. super violent angry people (each at least 6'4, some with knives, guns, huge sticks with nails, brass knuckles, etc.. who greatly hate the world, want to start a fight, and kill a lot)
338. huge 6'5 muscular teens and young adults who have an extremely violent nature and inner rage who are easily provoked and would want to hurt others
339. master elite military special forces soldiers equipped with armor piercing ammo and armor piercing bullet proof armor
340. multi award winning war hero soldiers (each with a tens of thousands kill count, and highly experienced/skilled in war and combat)
341. super martial artists (who have mastered/perfected every form of martial arts/combat known to man, with superhuman strength, speed, energy, agility, stamina, focus, fighting prowess, intelligence, combat IQ, etc.., some with swords)
342. giant elite top super heavyweight mma fighters (each with multiple world titles), (each at least 7'5)
343. isis soldiers
344. taliban soldiers
345. master elite galactic special forces soldiers/warriors
346. huge saber tooth tigers
347. merryweather operatives
348. elite fib agents
349. elite security guards with suits
350. us army super soldiers
351. hamas soldiers
352. mukhtar army soldiers
353. master matrix fighters (telekinesis, flight, bullet time, master martial artists, etc..)
354. south korean special forces soldiers
355. master european union special forces commandos
356. ms13 gang members (some armed with knives)
357. costa nostra gang members (some armed with knives)
358. sinaloa cartel gang members (some armed with knives)
359. bloods and crips gang members (some armed with knives)
360. los zetas gang members (some armed with knives)
361. 18th street gang members (some armed with knives)
362. mungiki gang members (some armed with knives)
363. united bamboo gang members (some armed with knives)
364. 14k triad gang members (some armed with knives)
365. aryan brotherhood gang members (some armed with knives)
366. huge muscular extreme extremists group members (some with guns, machetes, and knives)
367. elite huge armed terrorists
368. huge rikers island inmates
369. huge alcatraz island inmates
370. yakuza gang members (some armed with knives and katanas)
371. master special forces commandos (with swords even)
372. highly heavily trained elite soldiers/hitmen
373. elite master assassins with swords
374. master legendary assassins
375. huge muscular axe wielding brutes
376. regular civilians
377. vastly superhuman demonic soldiers
378. heavily augmented super soldiers
379. fully augmented special forces super soldiers
380. elite fully augmented special forces super commandos
381. elite fully augmented super paramilitary forces
382. elite bounty hunters
383. elite korean commandos
384. entire nypd
385. entire lapd
386. entire human race (10 billion people, if every human was combat trained, have a strong desire to kill you, and armed with knives, machetes, pistols, assault rifles, etc..)
387. or all humans ever to exist (500 quintillion people)
388. entirety of mankind (all militaries, nations, gangs, religious groups, organizations, secret societies, law enforcement agencies, cultural groups, conglomerates, etc..)
389. entire humanity ever to be (all kingdoms, empires, nations, tribes, associations, organizations, religious groups, etc.. to ever exist in history)
390. super ais (super intelligent super machine soldiers, super advanced warships, superweapons, futuristic super intelligent commandos, etc..)
391. all fictional organizations, kingdoms, nations, empires, races, etc.. ever to be (the forerunners, the galactic empire/republic, the borg, skynet, the harvesters, the saiyans, the avengers, justice league, etc..)
392. elite militia commandos
393. huge muscular fitness buffs
394. huge muscular cavemen
395. greak skua birds
396. siberian tigers
397. harpy eagles
398. kodiak bears
399. polar bears
400. 12 ft. tall african bush elephants
401. titanoboas
402. king cobras
403. atlas lions
404. spinosaurus
405. lolong crocodiles
406. hulk the pitbulls
407. huge muscular ultramarathon runners (each at least 6'3)
408. huge muscular triathlon competitors (each at least 6'3)
409. huge muscular 7 ft. tall highly skilled/experienced street fighters with weapons
410. huge muscular irish warriors/fighters
411. elite master samurai ninja soldiers (twin blades and machine guns)
412. huge muscular viking commandos
413. massive hulk thanators
414. highly battle experienced multi champion war tigers
415. hulk war tigers
416. hippopotamus
417. hulk hippos
418. big shows
419. kanes
420. great khalis
421. undertakers
422. andre the giants
423. hulk hogans
424. ric flairs
425. macho man randy savage'
426. ultimate warriors
427. giant gonzalez'
428. bobby lashleys
429. drew mcintyres
430. randy ortons
431. bray wyatt the fiends
432. john cenas
433. keith lees
434. thin man
435. madison lees
436. 2000s charlies angels
437. anderson silvas
438. georges st-pierres
439. fedor emelianenkos
440. mike tysons
441. manny pacquiaos
442. sugar ray robinsons
443. royce gracies
444. rocky marcianos
445. joe louis'
446. floyd mayweather jr.s
447. bruce lee
448. chuck norris'
449. jackie chan
450. jet li
451. tony jaa
452. iko uwais
453. donnie yen
454. sonny chiba
455. sammo hung
456. dragon lee
457. jean claude van damme
458. jason statham
459. scott adkins
460. cynthia rothrock
461. max zhang
462. john wick
463. mark dacascos
464. ares
465. steven seagal
466. batman
467. karate kid
468. robin
469. nightwing
470. bronze tiger
471. captain america
472. daredevil
473. lady shiva
474. shang-chi
475. stick
476. cassandra cain
477. ra's al ghul
478. richard dragon
479. wonder woman
480. black panther
481. karnak
482. black canary
483. dick grayson
484. tim drake
485. jason todd
486. prometheus
487. wildcat
488. bullseye
489. iron fist
490. elektra
491. wolverine
492. moonknight
493. taskmaster
494. deadpool
495. deathstroke
496. nightcrawler
497. the spirit
498. batman beyond
499. constantine drakon
500. connor hawke
501. goku (pwl of 100 trillion)
502. vegeta (pwl of 100 trillion)
503. ssj gogeta
504. ssj vegeto
505. perfected ultra instinct goku
506. perfected ultra instinct vegeta
507. perfected ultra instinct gogito
508. perfected ultra instinct jiren
509. omni god omni king perfected ultra instinct gohan
510. omni god omni king perfected ultra instinct gogito
511. 6'10 tall pro nba players
512. 6'10 tall pro football players
513. 6'10 tall pro soccer players
514. 6'10 tall pro street fighters
515. 7'0 tall pro super heavyweight mma fighters
516. nappa
517. king vegeta
518. vegeta scouter
519. ginyu force
520. kid goku
521. frieza all forms, including mecha frieza, and golden frieza
522. perfect cell
523. super perfect cell
524. ssj 2 teen gohan
525. super buu
526. ultmate gohan
527. majin vegeto buu
528. kid buu
529. majin vegeta
530. beerus
531. whiz
532. perfected ultra instinct whirus
533. grand priest
534. grand priest true form
535. charizard
536. mewtwo
537. mew
538. tyranitar
539. lugia
540. ho-oh
541. entei
542. machamp
543. rayquaza
544. mega charizard
545. blastoise
546. dragonite
547. gyrados
548. mega salamence
549. typhlosion
550. feraligatr
551. wargreymon
552. metalseadramon
553. all the androids, androids 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20
554. ssj 3 goku
555. ssj 10 goku
556. radditz
557. saibamen
558. majuub
559. king piccolo
560. piccolo fused with kami
561. suiryu
562. kenshiro
563. neo
564. batman 1 million
565. carnage spiderman
566. extremely fit fdny fire fighters
567. extremely fit nypd officers
568. extremely fit high school athletes
569. extremely fit college athletes
570. extremely fit 6'10 tall muscular workout buffs
571. batman infinity (infinitely mastered infinite martial arts/combat forms)
572. huge henry danger goons
573. huge black bikers
574. elite us navy seal commandos
575. perfected special forces warrior ninja samurai assassin commandos
576. shadowcon
577. hak foo
578. shendu all talismans
579. wagner group mercenaries
580. elite hit squad mercenaries
581. master flaming ninjas
582. master flaming commandos
583. elite master hit squad mercenary commandos
584. elite israeli defense force soldiers
585. elite israeli security forces
586. elite north korean special forces
587. charlies angels, master elite angels (top best, each one man endless armies, some with samurai swords)
588. grand priest perfected ultra instinct jirens
589. krabi krabong warriors
590. elite dragon ninjas
591. master dragon ninjas
592. huge fire breathing hulk bengal tigers
593. huge fire breathing hulk t-rex
594. massive buff hulk guys/bodyguards (each 7'10)
595. entire nypd, fbi, cia, us marines, us army, american special forces force
596. large people (each at least 7'5 and 450 pounds), whose only sole desire is to kill you, some with knives and other melee weapons
597. huge expert knife combatants
598. huge expert martial arts trainers/instructors
599. incredibly fit, multi jointed, and strong madonna dancers
600. top shen yun dancers
601. incredibly agile and versatile street performers
602. entire animal population of earth
603. pro soccer players
604. superhumans, superpowered humans (humans with rare oddities, such as special humans born with greater than normal eye sight or strength, or born impervious to pain, etc..)
605. pro golfers with golf clubs after you
606. kamala
607. abyss
608. yokozuna
609. man mountain mike
610. brodus clay
611. mike shaw
612. ryback
613. lord tensai
614. asuka
615. viscera
616. umaga
617. omos
618. kim kold
619. shinsuke nakamura
620. rick boogs
621. triple h with sledgehammer
622. roman reigns
623. 2019 charlies angels
624. eyedoll from KI
625. vast crowd of angry protesters
626. vast crowd of millions of crazy fanatic concert goers
627. large massive angry mob
628. full powered super saiyans
629. full powered mystic saiyans
630. gta 5 terminator tanks
631. perfected ultra instincts
632. full powered omni gods 
633. full powered super nameks
634. super star destroyers
635. huge street racers
636. street race cars with machine guns
637. super cars with miniguns and rapid missile fire guns
638. giant ants of a huge ant hive
639. giant scorpion army

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