Thursday, May 13, 2021

Final Fantasy Features

1. can have unlimited party members
2. can switch main party member
3. can customize, change, equip, etc.. party anytime, anywhere
4. can customize everything (clothes, jewelry, armor, body, tattoos, weapons, hairstyles, shoes, vehicles, desires)
5. can drive, swim, sprint, walk, crawl, jump, fly, climb, dive underwater, dig underground, climb down ropes, swing around like assassins creed or spiderman, zip line huge distances like batman, rock, ice, building, rope, canyon, tree climb, use all vehicle types (planes, submarines, boats, motorcycles, bikes, trains, airships, spaceships, intergalactic starships, super powered suits, futuristic jetpacks, even skateboards, etc..), teleport, use chocobos, horses, huge majestic birds, dragons, etc..
6. can use all weapon types (from regular fists, to martial arts, to firearms, cannons, axes, swords, sais, brass knuckles, nunchucks, scythes, energy based weapons, spears, missile launchers, miniguns, rifles, pistols, fantasy shotguns etc..), any party member can use any weapon type, even multiple weapons at once, like one hand has a great sword, the other has an shotgun, etc.. even go first person
7. can use giant megazords, gundam warriors, huge war machines, etc.., summon as much monsters, espers, gods, warriors, etc.. with no time limit to aid in battles, command endless vast armies, etc..
8. perfect photo realistic graphics
9. can catch as many monsters and use them in your adventures
10. can eventually inflict centillions, meginjillions, logungons, infinite, infinite infinities, omechtualities <, all the way to omnimephtualities < of hp damage
11. the game is Omnimephtual < in size with never ending monsters, weapons, races, quests, optional dungeons, nations, kingdoms, empires, worlds, omni totalities, characters, adventures, etc.. to discover
12. have an infinite supply of magicks, techniques, superpowers, super abilities/moves/move sets, items, etc.. to use in your endless adventures (infinite different elemental attacks, vast reality warping, weather control, space time manipulation, omnikinetic powers, full healing of all party members, instant death to enemy, invisibility, etc..)
13. can save anywhere, anytime
14. can combine as many weapons into one, and customize it
15. all party members receive the level ups, even when not involved
16. all content from the original final fantasy, infinite undiscovery, last remnant, kingdom hearts, star ocean, .hack, scarlet nexus, disgaea, etc.. games (aka, items, magicks, move sets, accessories, abilities, places, music, options, etc..) are available along with the already vast endless new content
17. the maps can range from earth sized planets, to googolemegaplex light year across worlds, milky way sized galaxies, infinite sized universes, multiverses, omniverses, macroverses, all verses, all modes of existence, dimensions, afterlifes, planes of existences, planes of impossibles, etc..)
18. can create endless customized teams to do various things

5-10 hp damage

1. master military soldiers
2. mega battleships, mega tanks, mega fighter jets, vast military forces
3. massive giant warrior ogres
4. giant master swordsmen
5. giant master warriors
6. endless vast armies of elite soldiers/warriors
7. elite master ninjas/assassins
8. fully cybernetically enhanced mega soldiers, perfected special forces commandos

thousands of hp damage

1. high level multiversal/omniversal fighters (ex. devil priest, omni zalama, omni dragon archon, ultimate cell, devil god, vogito mui, hyper saiyan god, omni rainbow infinity, omni king, omni god, ssj infinity, etc..)
2. master interdimensional gods/warriors
3. highest seraphim warriors

tens of thousands of hp damage

1. almighty gods
2. infinite beings
3. infinite dimensional beings


Kinds of Enemies you will fight:

1. giant monsters
2. ninjas
3. martial artists
4. elemental ogres
5. vast armies
6. entire militaries
7. commandos
8. ghosts
9. infinite gods
10. zombies
11. mummies
12. war machines
13. comic book martial artists
14. comic book superheroes, supervillains
15. angels
16. demons
17. infinite reality warpers
18. omnipotent beings
19. omni busters
20. galaxy sized beasts
21. omni z fighters
22. even the omni infinite hierarchy of infinites

Kinds of Worlds

1. an infinite universe
2. nigh infinite sized worlds of infinite varieties
3. megaengineering structures
4. city wide worlds
5. nigh infinite sized galaxies
6. infinitely large multiverses, omniverses, hyperverses, outerverses, infinityverses, omni totalities, etc...
7. infinitely vast dimensions, planes of existence, afterlifes, etc..
8. hollow worlds
9. vast vertical cities



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