Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Supreme Core Fallout

This game is like a combination of final fantasy, command and conquer, halo, dynasty warriors, ace combat, star wars, etc.. all in one

1. can play as a mega gundam mecha warrior, mega battleship, carrier star forge, starfighter, mega digimon warrior, mega transformer, mega battle tank, star fighter jet, cosmic warship, even star sized warships, etc.., as well command vast endless armies of starfighters, massive battle tanks, cosmic soldiers, enormous warships, etc... such as fighting a trillion intergalactic armadas, while commanding billions of star busting ships, etc..
2. can fight endless armies of super tanks, fighter squadrons, naval fleets, planet busting units, multi solar system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, omniverse, macroverse, outerverse, multi dimension, etc.. busting mecha warriors or ships, etc...
3. whole planets to entire omniverses, dimensions, and beyond is the battlefield
4. can fight armies from other expanses, such as star wars, digimon, halo, transformers, etc.. endless expanses more, like you playing as a mega digimon warrior against a vast army of decepticons and autobots, etc..
5. can choose to invade planets (like the humans), galactic empires, type 4 universal civilizations, multiversal, omniversal, outerversal, etc.. civilizations, even omnipotent cvilizations like the q or the beyonders, even type infinity civilizations, etc...
6. can fight infinitely vast infinityversal insect like hive minds, saturated computer minds, etc...



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