Thursday, January 20, 2022

Superpowers List

1. super strength (able to lift mountains, hurl tanks, even lift continents)
2. super speed (can run at lightning speeds, even vertically up buildings)
3. energy blasts (from simple energy blasts to creating massive craters, to if charged enough blow up planets)
4. energy constructs (like green lantern)
5. invisibility
6. intangibility
7. mind control/manipulation (so strong can mind rape an entire planet's population with ease)
8. telekinesis (can cause a person to explode, mess up ones skeleton, to even lifting manhattan island or mt. everest)
9. weather control (create thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, massive heat waves, heavy blizzards, etc..)
10. fire manipulation
11. lightning manipulation
12. earth/rock manipulation
13. water manipulation
14. teleportation of oneself or even multiple others over limitless distances
15. infinite duplication
16. barrier that repels any projectiles
17. indestructibility
18. grow to size of a skyscraper to the size of an ant
19. flight
20. all of spidermans powers
21. natural phenomenon manipulation (create earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, black holes, solar flares, meteor showers, ice ages, tsunamis, even hypernovae, etc..)
22. turn any body part into a weapon, such as a sword or a minigun
23. perfected all martial arts/combat forms/perfected in hand to hand combat, like batman or karate kid
24. force push, force lightning like a jedi
25. can control and manipulate machines (cars, planes, computer systems, tvs, satellite systems, etc..)
26. create self replicating nanobots that can consume entire planets, stars, to entire galaxies
27. vast matter and energy manipulation
28. vast time/space manipulation (control, reverse, stop, speed up, slow down, etc.. time, time travel to any part in time, regardless of how long ago or how far into the future, etc..)
29. can create miniature black holes that can suck a person to entire cities into oblivion
30. can turn anything into anything (aka turn a car into an animal, turn a plane into a apple, turn an entire naval fleet into fish, to even turning a person into another person entirely, etc..)
31. stretch limbs and body like elastic
32. super reflexes/hyper motility (can dodge and even catch bullets)
33. can launch massive asteroids
34. super powerful laser eye beams (even strong enough to obliterate buildings)
35. summon a vast army of elite warriors with swords and shields (tens of thousands to millions of em)
36. can cause a person or a crowd of people to rapidly age and disintegrate into dust
37. can shoot super poisonous needles at rapid succession like a minigun, with one sting able to kill a fully grown african bush elephant in just under 3 seconds

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