Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Measurements within the Galaxy

the milky way galaxy is about 200,000 light years across, and 1,000 light years thick, containing over 250 billion stars, and billions of planets

1 light years = 63,241 AU

speed of light is 670,616,629 mph or 186,282 miles per second or
mach 821,230 / mach 1 is 761 mph

moving at space shuttle speeds, 17,150 < mph, would take 162,651 years to reach proxima centauri
distance of 1 AU is from sun to earth, or 93 million miles or over a hundred years moving at a constant speed of 100 mph, or 19 years at 550 mph, about airplane speed
distance from sun to pluto is 39.5 AU, or 5 hrs. 28 min for the speed of light
moving at 35,000 mph straight for 40,000 years, one has travelled 2 light years, and 81,000 years to reach proxima centauri, 4.2 light years away or 268,770 AU

helios 2 (fastest ever man made object), at 150,000 mph, would reach proxima centauri in 19,000 years

fusion rockets at 80,473,995 mph, reach proxima in 36 years

new horizons probe at 52,000 mph reach proxima in 54,400 years, and 9.5 years to travel 3 billion miles

juno probe 165,000 mph, reach proxima in 17,157 years

or light sails moving at 6,706,166 mph or 1% the speed of light over 400 years or 4 centuries to reach proxima centauri at 4 light years away

on earth, if 4.2 ly is 120 miles
100 ly is 2760 miles
300 ly is 8280 miles
500 ly is 13,800 miles
1,000 ly is 27,600 miles

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