Friday, April 8, 2022



silver surfer - 500,000 light years per second

X-43 - 7,366 mph

X-15 - 4,520 mph

voyager probe - 38,610 mph

the flash - 23 tredecillion times faster than light

the tardis - 10 trillion times faster than light

sun's escape velocity - 1,381,600 mph

SR-71 blackbird - 2,200 mph

speed of a signal in optical fiber - 440 million mph

spaceball 1 - 1,360,000,000 times faster than light

the space shuttle - 17,500 mph

SC maglev - 375 mph

Orion ship - 67 million mph

escape velocity of a neutron star - 220 million mph

M-16 rifle bullet speeds - 2,180 mph

lightspeed - 186,282 miles per second, 670,616,629 mph

ISS - 17,400 mph

hennessey venom gt - 270 mph

helios 2 - 157,000 mph

halley's comet - 157,838 mph

escape velocity of jupiter - 133,000 mph

escape velocity of earth - 25,000 mph

speed of earth around solar system - 66,000 mph

daedalus stargate - 60 million times faster than light

the concorde - 1,354 mph

big rigs glitch - 10 quadrillion mph

atmospheric entry speed of galileo - 106,900 mph

apollo 10 lunar module - 24,791 mph

moreton wave - 2,200,000 mph

fastest land vehicle - 6,416 mph

speed of sound underwater - 3,400 mph

F-22 - 1,400 - 1,700 mph

SSC thrust - 763 mph

typical airliner - 660 mph

speed of solar system around the galaxy - 450,000 mph

ICBM - 13,400 mph

big rigs super glitch - 12.3 undecillion mph

futurama ship - 4,870,000,000,000 times faster than light

the bloodhound - 1,050 mph

the parker solar probe - 330,000 mph

light sails - 1% the speed of light or 7 million mph

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