Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Continuum of Heroes


Some Features:

1. perfect photo realism, everything perfectly realistic and responsive (the passage of time, how people act, the weather, etc..)
2. the earth, milky way, infinite universe, multiverse, omniverse, outerverse, all omni totalities, dimensions, afterlife, planes, endless timelines, eternities, etc.. can be explored
3. endless super heroes, super protagonists, etc.. from endless continuums (marvel, dc, dragonball, digimon, pokemon, yugioh, star wars, lord of the rings, etc..) can be played as, with endless quests and cool missions to go in from their respective verses
4. endless kinds of weapons can be used (from divine swords to universe destroying energy cannons, etc..)
5. there will be an endless number of things to do and can be done (from saving the planet from an asteroid, converting people to your ideology, to saving the multiverse from alien threats, etc..)

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