Monday, July 11, 2022

GTA Worlds

1. earth
2. colonized milky way galaxy with futuristic earth wide city as capital - 200,000 light years across
3. colonized infinite universe - filled with infinite megastructures, hollow worlds, terraformed planets, dyson spheres, futuristic city planets, alien like planets, etc..)
4. 100 million light year across world
5. colonized infinite multiverse (infinite universes to explore)
6. master < supreme milleniumzillion giga light eon across world
7. master < supreme milleniumzillion giga light eon across gta world
8. earth (some places are huge futuristic city scapes)
9. ever endless all verses, totalities, boxes, omni totalities, etc.. <
10. infinite, colonized nigh infinite sized galaxies
11. near futuristic earth with numerous megatall buildings virtually everywhere, futuristic malls, etc..
12. infinite different kinds of worlds to chooses from (manhattan worlds, coruscant worlds, futuristic city worlds, vertical city worlds, star adventure worlds, gta worlds, etc...)
13. infinite different kinds of megastructure worlds (alderson disks, culture orbitals, global cassus, dyson spheres, etc..)
14. infinite colonized universe, earth wide city is capital (10 mile tall buildings every here and there)
15. infinity fully city wide colonized universes


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