we can easily carry each other
100 awesome tae couple forms
my bestest friend, soul mate, brother
superhuman intimacy, sexual pleasure, bliss, joy, pleasure, connection, relationship, fun, love, euphoria, orgasmic, have in common, comfort, etc.. with each other
both of us are 6'2 normal standing, super skinny, long, bit ripped
1. T, white, blue basketball shorts / milk, black white rings or darkish white, purple orange
2. light greyish, purpleish basketball / whiteish, redish
3. light red, greyish / white, black
4. black white words, dark greyish / greyish, grey
5. tae, milky black down, white / light grey white hood down, black
6. mickey mouseish, pink, light greyish / greyish, white
7. txtish forms
8. black, light jeans / white, black jeans
9. japanese forms, white black stripe, black / white skinny stripes, blue
10. me, white skinny stripes, black / tae, white, blue
11. japanese, me, white black hood, black / tae, white skinny stripe, yellow
12. jap, light orange white sides, black / tae, white, light grey hood sides, light grey
13. me, whiteish, purple / tae, black, white, or yellow, white, or light blue, white, or basketball feet
14. me, light grey, white / tae, whiteish, greyish blueish jeans
15. me, light grey, black sports / tae, light brown, light grey sports
16. halloween, me, blackish, tail, anime ears? / tae, whiteish, blonde hair, anime wings? etc..
17. me, black, white, white hair / tae, white, black, blonde
18. me, dark whiteish, purple orange/ tae, milkyish, whiteish or white, black, juice dye
19. light brown, black white / t, white, black, juice dye
20. T, blueish whiteish, blackish silver / light greyish blackish
21. T, white black words, black, blonde hair / light grey white, white or white blue sides, orange
22. T, yellowish, blue basketball / milky, purple
23. T, dark greyish, bleached hair / light grey, purple
24. T, light red, dark purple / yellow, black (black hair)
25. T, whiteish, blue / light pinkish, whiteish, hanging anime chains
26. light brown one from shinee store
27. yellowish, blue / light blueish, violet jap
28. 2024 greetings fit / milky, whiteish jeans s
29. t black grey workout
30. t riize practice room fit
31. t, whiteish, black red, black hair / milky, blue white rings
32. t, white blonde front black hair, pink, black / white, black
33. whiteish, black red / milky, white blue rings
34. t, light pink, white / light blue, black
35. t, white, red / yellow, blue
36. t, dark white, blue / light black, white
37. t, mstar fit
38. t, red, dark greyish jeans, darkish blondish hair / whiteish, black
39. t, light red, blue basketball / dark whiteish, dark purpleish basketball
40. t, light grey, black, blonde h / light brown, white, black h
41. t, whiteish, black, blonde h/ greyish light blue, whiteish
42. t, light red, blueish, blonde or black / milky, dark purpleish
43. jhope new years fit / blueish, black
44. t, light blue, light grey, or hat
45. t, black, black, hat
46. t, white skinny black stripes, blue / milky, purpleish / or whiteish, light grey jeans
47. t, white, blue / light grey, light blue
48. t. white skinny stripes, blue, black cast, hair / white, black, black cast
limitless set of costumes, fits to choose from, for self and pals
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