Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Final Fantasy Superbosses (Some)


  • The Abyssal King: A dark and twisted version of the Etheral Queen who rules over a realm of shadows and nightmares. He can inflict massive damage with his dark magic and summon hordes of shadowy minions to aid him in battle. His HP damage is 999,999 per hit.
  • The Absolute: the infinite god itself, infinitely above and more powerful than everything, eg. absolute omnipotence, total omniscience, omnipresence, eternal, perfect, boundless, omnitemporal, all macroverse gods, type infinity civilizations, infinite dimensional, etc.., 80,000 to 180,000 per hit, 800,000 hp damage for strongest attack
  • The Cosmic Dragon: A colossal dragon that dwells in the depths of space and feeds on stars and planets. He can unleash devastating attacks with his cosmic breath and meteor shower, as well as warp reality with his cosmic roar. His HP damage is 8888 million per hit.
  • The Primordial Titan: A giant humanoid creature that was born from the chaos of creation and embodies the raw power of nature. He can cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and storms with his mighty fists and feet, as well as manipulate the elements with his primal roar. His HP damage is 777,777per hit.
  • The Infernal Lord: A demonic lord who reigns over the fiery pits of hell and commands legions of demons and fiends. He can inflict severe damage with his infernal flames and claws, as well as curse his enemies with his infernal gaze. His HP damage is 666,666 per hit.
  • The Celestial Goddess: A divine goddess who watches over the heavens and blesses the world with her light and grace. She can heal herself and her allies with her celestial rays and wings, as well as harm her enemies with her celestial sword and judgment. Her HP damage is 5555 million per hit.
  • The Temporal Master: A mysterious being who controls time and fate and knows all past, present, and future events. He can manipulate time to speed up or slow down himself or his enemies, as well as alter the course of history with his temporal blade and paradox. His HP damage is 4444 million per hit.
  • The Elemental Emperor: An ancient emperor who mastered the four elements of fire, water, earth, and air and forged a powerful empire that spanned across the world. He can use each element to attack or defend himself or his allies, as well as combine them to create new effects with his elemental scepter and throne. His HP damage is 3333 million per hit.
  • The Psychic Queen: A young queen who possesses extraordinary psychic abilities that allow her to read minds, move objects, create illusions, and more. She can use her psychic powers to confuse, weaken, or control her enemies, as well as enhance her own physical abilities with her psychic crown and staff. Her HP damage is 222,222 per hit.
  • The Mechanical King: A brilliant inventor who created a vast army of machines and robots that obey his every command. He can use his machines to attack or defend himself or his allies, as well as upgrade them to make them more powerful or versatile with his mechanical wrench and key. His HP damage is 111,111 per hit.
  • The Ethereal Prince: A noble prince who inherited the bloodline of the Etheral Queen but rebelled against her tyranny and sought to free the world from her influence. He can use his ethereal powers to heal or harm himself or others depending on his willpower level (which changes throughout the battle), as well as summon ethereal weapons such as swords or spears with his ethereal ring and pendant, 100 million hp damage per hit

The Aurich Dungeon Bosses

  • The Omniversal Destroyer: A cosmic entity that seeks to annihilate all existence and nothingness across the infinite multiverse. He can erase anything from reality with his omniversal blast and nullify any resistance with his omniversal shield. His HP damage is 9999 trillion per hit.
  • The Eternal Creator: A divine entity that is the source of all creation and manifestation across the infinite multiverse. He can create anything from nothing with his eternal breath and manipulate any aspect of reality with his eternal will. His HP damage is 8888 trillion per hit.
  • The Infinite Mind: A psychic entity that transcends all dimensions and planes of existence and knows all thoughts and possibilities across the infinite multiverse. He can control anything with his infinite mind and alter any outcome with his infinite choice. His HP damage is 7777 trillion per hit.
  • The Ultimate Lifeform: A biological entity that evolved beyond all limitations and achieved perfection in every aspect of life across the infinite multiverse. He can adapt to anything with his ultimate body and surpass anything with his ultimate soul. His HP damage is 6666 trillion per hit.
  • The Supreme Force: A magical entity that embodies all forms and sources of magic and energy across the infinite multiverse. He can use any spell or power with his supreme wand and amplify any effect with his supreme orb. His HP damage is 5555 trillion per hit.
  • The Absolute Law: A logical entity that enforces all rules and principles of order and justice across the infinite multiverse. He can judge anything with his absolute scale and punish anything with his absolute sword. His HP damage is 4444 trillion per hit.
  • The Chaos Lord: A chaotic entity that defies all rules and principles of disorder and anarchy across the infinite multiverse. He can cause anything with his chaos dice and change anything with his chaos card. His HP damage is 3333 trillion per hit.
  • The Balance Keeper: A neutral entity that maintains all balances and harmonies of nature and existence across the infinite multiverse. He can balance anything with his balance wheel and harmonize anything with his balance flute
  • The Cosmic Horror: A eldritch entity that exists beyond all comprehension and sanity across the infinite multiverse. He can induce fear and madness with his cosmic horror and devour reality with his cosmic maw. His HP damage is 2222 trillion per hit.
  • The Elemental Overlord: A elemental entity that commands all forces and phenomena of nature and the elements across the infinite multiverse. He can unleash any natural disaster with his elemental staff and control any element with his elemental ring. His HP damage is 1111 trillion per hit.
  • The Dream Weaver: A dreamy entity that shapes all dreams and nightmares of all living beings across the infinite multiverse. He can create any illusion with his dream web and manipulate any emotion with his dream needle. His HP damage is 999 trillion per hit.
  • The Soul Eater: A soulful entity that feeds on all souls and spirits of all living and dead beings across the infinite multiverse. He can steal any soul with his soul chain and consume any spirit with his soul mouth. His HP damage is 888 trillion per hit.
  • The Time Keeper: A temporal entity that controls all aspects and flows of time across the infinite multiverse. He can stop or rewind time with his time clock and fast forward or alter time with his time key. His HP damage is 777 trillion per hit.
  • The Space Bender: A spatial entity that manipulates all dimensions and spaces across the infinite multiverse. He can warp or teleport space with his space cube and expand or contract space with his space sphere

The Infinity Dungeon

  • The Void: A void entity that represents the absence of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can erase anything from existence with his void touch and negate any resistance with his void stare. His HP damage is infinite per hit.
  • The One: A one entity that represents the totality of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can create anything from existence with his one touch and overpower any resistance with his one stare. His HP damage is infinite per hit.
  • The Zero: A zero entity that represents the balance of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can change anything in existence with his zero touch and equalize any resistance with his zero stare. His HP damage is infinite per hit.
  • The Infinity: An infinity entity that represents the endlessness of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can multiply anything in existence with his infinity touch and surpass any resistance with his infinity stare. His HP damage is infinite per hit.
  • The Omega: An omega entity that represents the end of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can destroy anything in existence with his omega touch and doom any resistance with his omega stare. His HP damage is infinite per hit.
  • The Alpha: An alpha entity that represents the beginning of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can restore anything in existence with his alpha touch and save any resistance with his alpha stare. His HP damage is infinite per hit.
  • The Beyond: A beyond entity that represents what lies beyond everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can transcend anything in existence with his beyond touch and astonish any resistance with his beyond stare
  • The Paradox: A paradox entity that represents the contradiction of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can reverse anything in existence with his paradox touch and confuse any resistance with his paradox stare. His HP damage is infinite per hit.
  • The Truth: A truth entity that represents the reality of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can reveal anything in existence with his truth touch and enlighten any resistance with his truth stare. His HP damage is infinite per hit.
  • The Lie: A lie entity that represents the illusion of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can conceal anything in existence with his lie touch and deceive any resistance with his lie stare. His HP damage is infinite per hit.
  • The Choice: A choice entity that represents the freedom of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can choose anything in existence with his choice touch and influence any resistance with his choice stare. His HP damage is infinite per hit.
  • The Fate: A fate entity that represents the destiny of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can determine anything in existence with his fate touch and bind any resistance with his fate stare. His HP damage is infinite per hit.
  • The Chaos: A chaos entity that represents the randomness of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can generate anything in existence with his chaos touch and surprise any resistance with his chaos stare
  • The Immortal Soul: A spirit that cannot be killed by conventional means. It can possess different bodies and use their abilities. It has 1 HP but very high defense and magic. It can only be defeated by finding and destroying its true form, which is hidden somewhere in the world.
  • The Reality Breaker: A glitch that corrupts the game itself. It can change the graphics, sounds, controls, menus, etc., and cause various errors and bugs. It has no HP but very high attack and speed. It can only be defeated by restoring the game to its normal state, which requires solving a series of puzzles and riddles.
  • The Final Boss: A metafictional character that knows it is in a game. It can break the fourth wall and interact with the player directly. It has infinite HP but moderate defense and attack. It can only be defeated by convincing it to give up or join your side, which requires choosing the right dialogue options and actions.
  • The Omega Seraphim: A divine being that transcends time and space. It can manipulate reality at will and unleash devastating attacks that ignore all defenses. It has infinite HP and MP and can only be defeated by a special item that seals its power.
  • The Abyssal Leviathan: A colossal sea monster that lurks in the deepest depths of the ocean. It can create massive tidal waves and whirlpools that engulf the entire battlefield. It has very high HP and defense and can regenerate its health by absorbing water.
  • The Ethereal Cosmic Dragon: A legendary creature that guards the secrets of the universe. It can fly at incredible speeds and breathe fire, ice, lightning, and dark energy. It has high HP and attack and can change its elemental affinity to resist different types of damage.
  • The Almighty Infernal Lord: A demonic ruler that commands the forces of hell. It can summon hordes of minions and cast powerful curses and spells. It has moderate HP and MP but very high attack and magic. It can also transform into a more powerful form when its HP is low.
  • The Celestial Phoenix: A majestic bird that represents life and rebirth. It can heal itself and its allies and revive from death once per battle. It has low HP but very high defense and magic. It can also unleash a fiery explosion that damages all enemies when it dies.
  • The Eternal Guardian: A mechanical sentinel that protects an ancient ruin. It can activate various traps and weapons in the environment and adapt to different situations. It has moderate HP and defense but very high attack and speed. It can also self-destruct when its HP is critical.
  • The Lunar Goddess: A mysterious deity that controls the moon and the tides. She can manipulate gravity and lunar phases to affect the battle conditions. She has high HP and MP but moderate defense and attack. She can also use a special move that deals damage based on the current moon phase.
  • The Solar King: A mighty warrior that harnesses the power of the sun. He can charge up his attacks with solar energy and unleash devastating combos. He has high attack and speed but moderate HP and defense. He can also use a special move that deals damage based on the current time of day.
  • The Shadow Master: A cunning assassin that hides in the shadows. He can strike from behind with stealthy attacks and inflict various status effects. He has low HP and defense but very high attack and speed. He can also use a special move that deals damage based on the enemy’s HP percentage.
  • The Chaos God: A chaotic entity that embodies disorder and destruction. He can alter the rules of the battle randomly and cause unpredictable effects. He has variable HP, MP, attack, defense, magic, speed, etc., depending on his mood. He can also use a special move that deals damage based on a random factor.

Infinite Infinities Dungeon

Wow, that is even more challenging. Some mega bosses that can do infinite infinities of HP damage, but I’m not sure how they would make any sense or be possible to fight against. Here are some very hypothetical examples:

  • The Meta: A meta entity that represents the concept of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can define anything in existence with his meta touch and question any resistance with his meta stare. His HP damage is infinite infinities per hit.
  • The Anti: An anti entity that represents the opposite of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can negate anything in existence with his anti touch and contradict any resistance with his anti stare. His HP damage is infinite infinities per hit.
  • The Null: A null entity that represents the nothingness of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can nullify anything in existence with his null touch and silence any resistance with his null stare. His HP damage is infinite infinities per hit.
  • The All: An all entity that represents the totality of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can encompass anything in existence with his all touch and overwhelm any resistance with his all stare. His HP damage is infinite infinities per hit.
  • The None: A none entity that represents the emptiness of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can exclude anything in existence with his none touch and isolate any resistance with his none stare
  • The Self: A self entity that represents the identity of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can reflect anything in existence with his self touch and mirror any resistance with his self stare. His HP damage is infinite infinities per hit.
  • The Other: An other entity that represents the difference of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can contrast anything in existence with his other touch and challenge any resistance with his other stare. His HP damage is infinite infinities per hit.
  • The Same: A same entity that represents the similarity of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can copy anything in existence with his same touch and match any resistance with his same stare. His HP damage is infinite infinities per hit.
  • The Change: A change entity that represents the transformation of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can modify anything in existence with his change touch and adapt any resistance with his change stare. His HP damage is infinite infinities per hit.
  • The Constant: A constant entity that represents the stability of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can maintain anything in existence with his constant touch and resist any resistance with his constant stare

The Onexus Chamber

Wow, thank you. You are very cool too.  Here are some extremely hypothetical examples:

  • The Impossible: An impossible entity that represents the impossibility of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can do anything in existence with his impossible touch and defy any resistance with his impossible stare. His HP damage is infinity to the infinity power, infinity times per hit.
  • The Possible: A possible entity that represents the possibility of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can undo anything in existence with his possible touch and allow any resistance with his possible stare. His HP damage is infinity to the infinity power, infinity times per hit.
  • The Actual: An actual entity that represents the actuality of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can confirm anything in existence with his actual touch and verify any resistance with his actual stare. His HP damage is infinity to the infinity power, infinity times per hit.
  • The Potential: A potential entity that represents the potentiality of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can enhance anything in existence with his potential touch and inspire any resistance with his potential stare
  • The Perfect: A perfect entity that represents the perfection of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can perfect anything in existence with his perfect touch and excel any resistance with his perfect stare. His HP damage is infinity to the infinity power, infinity times per hit.
  • The Imperfect: An imperfect entity that represents the imperfection of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can imperfect anything in existence with his imperfect touch and fail any resistance with his imperfect stare. His HP damage is infinity to the infinity power, infinity times per hit.
  • The Simple: A simple entity that represents the simplicity of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can simplify anything in existence with his simple touch and reduce any resistance with his simple stare. His HP damage is infinity to the infinity power, infinity times per hit.
  • The Complex: A complex entity that represents the complexity of everything and nothing across the infinite multiverse. He can complicate anything in existence with his complex touch and increase any resistance with his complex stare

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