Thursday, July 18, 2024

Some Final Fantasy Magicks

 Black Magick

  • Fire, Fira, Firaga, Firaja
  • Blizzard, Blizzara, Blizzaga, Blizzaja
  • Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga, Thundaja
  • Water, Watera, Waterga, Waterja
  • Aero, Aerora, Aeroga, Aeroja
  • Quake, Quakra, Quaga
  • Bio, Biora, Bioga
  • Flare, Flareja
  • Scathe
  • Dark, Darkra, Darkga, Darkja

White Magick

  • Cure, Cura, Curaga, Curaja
  • Regen
  • Raise, Arise
  • Esuna
  • Protect, Protectga
  • Shell, Shellga
  • Holy
  • Dispel, Dispelga
  • Renew

Time Magick

  • Haste, Hastega
  • Slow, Slowga
  • Stop
  • Reflect, Reflectga
  • Float
  • Gravity, Graviga
  • Comet, Cometga
  • Meteor

Green Magick

  • Protect, Protectga
  • Shell, Shellga
  • Regen
  • Bravery
  • Faith
  • Decoy
  • Bubble

Arcane Magick

  • Dark, Darkra, Darkga, Darkja
  • Death
  • Doom
  • Drain
  • Aspir
  • Ardor

Blue Magick

  • Aqua Breath
  • Mighty Guard
  • White Wind
  • Bad Breath
  • 1000 Needles
  • Goblin Punch
  • Level 5 Death
  • Level 4 Holy
  • Level 3 Flare
  • Level 2 Old
  • Roulette
  • Self-Destruct

Red Magick

  • Fire, Fira, Firaga
  • Blizzard, Blizzara, Blizzaga
  • Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga
  • Cure, Cura, Curaga
  • Protect
  • Shell
  • Raise
  • Esuna

High Magick

  • Ultima
  • Holyja
  • Flareja
  • Meteor
  • Light of Judgement
  • Supernova
  • Hell's Judgement
  • Deathstrike
  • Megaflare
  • Giga-Graviton
  • Grand Cross
  • Terra Break
  • Obliteration
  • Cyclone
  • Big Bang
  • Divine Sword
  • Piercing Magicks (piercing firega, blizzaga, thundaga, holy)
  • Gigaflare Sword
  • Teraflare
  • Magick Barrier (provides immunity to all magick attacks for some time)
  • Force Barrier (provides physical immunity for some time)
  • Perfect Defense (provides immunity to all attacks for some time)
  • Chain Magick (cast spells without delay)
  • Enrage (increases attack power significantly)
  • Paramount Pierce
  • Eternal Oblivion

Beyond this lies a beyond infinite number of even far greater magicks to be discovered, such as the ability to be indestructible permanently or turn invisible to the enemy always

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